CSH Distinguished Lectures
Established in 2014, the CSH Distinguished Lectures aims to bring renowned and distinguished researchers to the CSH and University of Bern to deliver a series of two to three lectures on research topics of their choice. CSH Distinguished Lecturers are invited to spend a week or more at the University of Bern to interact with our researchers. If you wish to nominate someone for a CSH Distinguished Lecturership, please contact the CSH Director directly.
2019: Prof. Dr. Ignas Snellen (Leiden University)
The holder of an European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant, Ignas Snellen is a pioneer in the use of ground-based, high-resolution spectroscopy to robustly identify molecules in the atmospheres of exoplanets, which paves the way for the detection of biosignatures in the future using next-generation extremely large telescopes.
Snellen Distinguished Lecture 1 (PDF, 3.2 MB) Snellen Distinguished Lecture 2 (PDF, 3.0 MB)2019: Prof. Dr. Adam Burgasser (University of California at San Diego)
Adam Burgasser is internationally recognised as a pioneer and renowned expert in the study of substellar objects known as brown dwarfs.
Burgasser Distinguished Lecture 1 (PDF, 3.2 MB) Burgasser Distinguished Lecture 2 (PDF, 6.8 MB)2018: Prof. Dr. Edo Berger (Harvard University)
Internationally regarded as a distinguished expert in astronomical transients, Edo Berger led a team that made the first discovery of electromagnetic radiation accompanying a detection of gravitational waves. He achieved tenure at Harvard University, moving from assistant to full professor, in six years.
Berger CSH Distinguished Lecture 1 (PDF, 16.6 MB) Berger CSH Distinguished Lecture 2 (PDF, 12.6 MB)2017: Prof. Dr. Ewine van Dishoeck (Leiden University)
Internationally regarded as a distinguished pioneer in astrochemistry, Ewine van Dishoeck has devoted her life's work to understanding the origins of water in planetary systems. She has trained generations of astrochemists. She is the President of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the recipient of numerous international prizes including the Kavli Prize.
Van Dishoeck CSH Distinguished Lecture 1 (PDF, 14.7 MB) Van Dishoeck CSH Distinguished Lecture 2 (PDF, 7.9 MB) Van Dishoeck CSH Distinguished Lecture 3 (PDF, 13.9 MB)2016: Prof. Dr. Scott Tremaine (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
Scott Tremaine is the Richard Black Professor at the IAS and one of the most eminent theoretical astrophysicists alive. His fundamental contributions have laid the foundations for several sub-branches of astrophysics, including the study of galaxies, black holes, dark matter, architectures and migration of exoplanets, etc. His contributions to science include the prediction of the Kuiper belt beyond the planet Neptune. He is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.
Tremaine CSH Distinguished Lecture 1 (PDF, 5.0 MB) Tremaine CSH Distinguished Lecture 2 (PDF, 8.0 MB)2014: Prof. Dr. Raymond Pierrehumbert (Oxford University)
The holder of an European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant, Raymond Pierrehumbert is the Halley Professor of Physics at Oxford University and one of the rare scientists who has made fundamental contributions to both Earth climate science and exoplanet science. He was granted a French knighthood (Chevalier de l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques).
Pierrehumbert CSH Distinguished Lecture 1 (PDF, 15.6 MB) Pierrehumbert CSH Distinguished Lecture 2 (PDF, 3.5 MB) Pierrehumbert CSH Distinguished Lecture 3 (PDF, 8.6 MB)