What is the diversity of demographics and architectures of planets orbiting other stars (exoplanets)? May we measure and understand the diversity of atmospheres, surfaces, interiors and stellar environments of exoplanets? How do planetary system forma and evolve, and what is their typical architecture? How do we place the Solar System in the context? Is habitability a well-defined concept?
Group of Prof. Dr. Yann Alibert (planet formation and evolution): Jo Ann Egger, Dr. Hugh Osborn, Jeanne Davoult, Nicolas Kaufmann, Andrin Kessler, Dr. Simon Grimm, Lokesh Mishra, Dr. Yuhito Shibaike
SNF Professorship Group of Prof. Dr. Brice-Olivier Demory (exoplanetary astronomy): Marko Sestovic
Ambizione Group of Dr. Dan Bower: Tobias Meier